Program Details

Nursing Assistant
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Program Code: 305431 Nursing Assistant program graduates are eligible for employment in a variety of settings which could include an acute care hospital, long-term care/rehab facility, or home health agency. As a member of the health care team, the nursing assistant provides personal and daily care to clients who need assistance. Why choose the Nursing Assistant program at NWTC? Success--More than 98 percent of NWTC Nursing Assistant graduates pass their written competency test on their first attempt. And the number of NWTC graduates who pass the skills test is higher than the state of Wisconsin average. Quality--many students are offered employment during their clinical experience. Expertise--The Nursing Assistant faculty all have extensive work experience in taking care of elderly clients. The Nursing Assistant program is approved by the Office of Caregiver Quality within the Division of Quality Assurance as part of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Show More

This program is offered

One week prior to class start.
Practical Nursing Technical Diploma or Nursing Associate's Degree

100% refund, if application for refund is made by the student prior to the first scheduled meeting of the course and the student does not add another course. 80% refund for a course is made before or at the time 10% of the course's total hours of instruction have been completed. 60% refund for a course is made after 10% but before more than 20% of the course's potential hours of instruction have been completed. No refund if application is made after 20% of the course's total hours.


Not Provided

Not Provided

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